Mindful that teachers often spend more time writing lesson plans than implementing them, passports provides comprehensive lesson plans for all group organizers, in advance, targeted at their travel destinations. Incorporate these lesson plans into the classroom to connect the classroom experience to the overseas experience.

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European History, World History, Ireland Guest User European History, World History, Ireland Guest User

Ireland in the Age of Revolutions: The Rebellion of 1798

Through the investigation of primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the Irish Rebellion of 1798, the role played by leading figures in the rebellion, including Wolfe Tome and the United Irishmen, the reasons the French got involved in the 1798 rebellion and the subsequent consequences for the French government as a result of that involvement, and finally the legacy of the Rebellion for the Irish today.

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Ireland and the Great Potato Famine (1840s)

Through the investigation of primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the details of Ireland’s Great Famine of the 1840s, what caused it, the government’s response to the tragedy and how the famine helped cause the Irish Diaspora.

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World History, European History, Ireland Guest User World History, European History, Ireland Guest User

Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement of 1998

Through the investigation of primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the details of how the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 tried to solve the Irish “Troubles”, what progress has been made in Northern Ireland since the signing of the agreement, and what issues still remain today.

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World History, Holy Land Guest User World History, Holy Land Guest User

Islam: The Five Pillars

Through the investigation of selected writings and various electronic resources, including primary and secondary sources from across the Islamic world, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain in detail the Five Pillars, how they form the foundation for Islamic life around the world.

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World History Guest User World History Guest User

Islam: Story of Muhammad

Through the investigation of selected writings and various electronic resources, including primary and secondary sources from across the Islamic world, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain in detail the story of Muhammad, what tradition says about his role as the prophet of Islam.

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World History, Government, Economics, Greece Guest User World History, Government, Economics, Greece Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th centuries BCE): Spartan Society: Militarism

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the organization of Spartan society in the age of Classical Greece, the roles males and females each played in that society, and how Spartans themselves saw the concepts of freedom and equality for all citizens.

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World History, Philosophy, Greece Guest User World History, Philosophy, Greece Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th centuries BCE): Socrates: An Overview

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the basics of Socratic wisdom and thought, including what’s now commonly referred to as the “Socratic Method” of investigation and inquiry, and will also be able to trace how the ancient Greek master’s ideas influenced, and continue to influence, philosophical thought in the western world.

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World History, Philosophy, Greece Guest User World History, Philosophy, Greece Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th Centuries BCE): Plato: The Republic's Philosopher Kings

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, including a full text analysis of book 6 of Plato’s Republic, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the concept of rule by “philosopher kings” and how Plato / Socrates developed and defended the idea of philosophers leading society. Using this knowledge, students will then discuss and debate the notion of whether modern governments in the western world should look to philosophers as their leaders.

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World History, Philosophy, English Guest User World History, Philosophy, English Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th Centuries BCE): Plato: Euthyphro

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, including a full text reading of Plato’s dialogue Euthyphro, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the basics of the Socratic argument behind defining piety and justice, how Socrates uses logical reasoning to question Euthyphro’s assertions, and what modern readers can take from the story.

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Classical Greece (4th-5th centuries BCE): Plato: Allegory of the Cave

Through an in-depth analysis of primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the story of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, and using that knowledge will then theorize as to what message Plato (and Socrates) might be trying to give to humanity through the timeless dialogue.

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World History, Greece Guest User World History, Greece Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th Centuries BCE): Battle of Thermopylae: Leonidas and the 300

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain how a vastly outnumbered and outgunned Greek force was able to hold out against a much larger and more powerful Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae and why this battle is considered to be a watershed event in the history of western civilization.

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World History, Greece Guest User World History, Greece Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th centuries BCE): Battle of Marathon 490 BCE

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain how a vastly outnumbered and outgunned Greek force was able to defeat the much larger and more powerful Persian army at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE and why this battle is considered to be a watershed event in the history of western civilization.

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World History, Government, Greece Guest User World History, Government, Greece Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th centuries BCE): Athens: Democracy

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to compare and contrast how different ancient writers saw Athenian democracy and the role of citizens in that system. Using this knowledge, students will then take a position as to whether the expansion of citizenship and voting rights to all people creates a society built on freedom or mob rule.

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World History, Greece Guest User World History, Greece Guest User

Classical Greece (4th-5th Centuries BCE): Alexander the Great

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the legacy behind Alexander the Great, what his links were to Aristotle and Classical Greek culture, how he was able to conquer such a vast empire in short few years and why that empire fell apart so quickly after his death.

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World History, Greece Guest User World History, Greece Guest User

Ancient Greece: Minoan Civilization on Crete

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain theories behind the Minoan civilization found on Crete and the legends linked to the Palace of Knossos. Using this knowledge, students will then theorize as to what might have happened to the Minoans.

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Ancient Greece: Homer: The Odyssey

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, including readings from the Odyssey, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the story of Odysseus and his trip home from Troy as told in Homer’s epic poem the Odyssey, the role gods and goddesses play in the story through their interaction with humans, how the poem set the standard for the ideal Greek epic hero in battle, and why the story is seen as important to the development of western literature.

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Ancient Greece: Homer: The Iliad

Through the investigation of selected primary and secondary sources, including readings from the Iliad, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the story of the Trojan War as told in Homer’s epic poem the Iliad, the role gods and goddesses play in the story through their interaction with humans, how the poem set the standard for the ideal Greek epic hero in battle, and why the story is seen as important to the development of western literature.

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European History, World History, Germany Guest User European History, World History, Germany Guest User

World War II (1939-1945): Operation Barbarossa: Germany's Invasion of the Soviet Union

Through the use of various primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the major parts of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the objectives each part of the German army was given, and why the German advance was stopped short of its goals.

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