Mindful that teachers often spend more time writing lesson plans than implementing them, passports provides comprehensive lesson plans for all group organizers, in advance, targeted at their travel destinations. Incorporate these lesson plans into the classroom to connect the classroom experience to the overseas experience.

Narrow it down by one or more destinations, subjects or topics.

Age of Enlightenment: England: John Locke

Students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the basics of Locke’s ideas on society and government by reading and analyzing excerpts from his two major philosophical works, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689) and Two Treatise on Government (1690), thereby gaining a better understanding of how Locke’s writings influenced Jefferson and the other founding fathers.

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Interwar Europe (1919-1939) - Munich Accords of 1938

Through an analysis of primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the Munich Accords of 1938, what issues were inherent with the “Czechoslovakian Question” and how Chamberlain’s policy of appeasing Hitler at Munich ultimately emboldened the German chancellor to go after even more territory.

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Communist Czechoslovakia (1948-1989) - Prague Spring of 1968

Through an in-depth analysis of various primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the story behind the Prague Spring of 1968, what reforms Dubcek and his comrades tried to implement, how the people took to the new reforms, and ultimately how the Soviets and other Warsaw Pact countries responded to what was going on in Czechoslovakia.

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World History, European History, Austria David Markle World History, European History, Austria David Markle

Great War (1914-1918) - Austria's Ultimatum to Serbia 1914

Through an analysis of primary and secondary sources, including a full text reading of the Austrian Ultimatum to Serbia 1914 and the official Serbian response, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain the main provisions of the Austrian ultimatum, the major points of Serbia’s response, and how Austria’s hardline stance against Serbia during the July Crisis of 1914 set in motion the series of events that led to the opening of the Great War.

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Age of Enlightenment: Austria: Reforms under Joseph II

Through an in-depth analysis of various primary and secondary sources, students in this lesson will identify, understand and be able to explain Enlightened Despotism in the Hapsburg Lands under the reign of Joseph II, in particular the decision to abolish serfdom, the legalizing of different religious denominations, and how the emperor strove to unite his divided, multinational empire under an equal system of laws.

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