Teacher Tuesday: Using Passports Lesson Plans in the Summer

Summer break… a time all teachers look forward to with delightful anticipation.  Finally, after months of hard work, summer break brings rest and relaxation.

So why do I even bring up lesson plans in the summer?  Unless they got “suckered” into teaching summer school (again), most teachers want nothing to do with academics at this point.

Amazingly enough, however, the new school year will be approaching ever so quickly.  Why is it that summer vacation seems to pass by so quickly while the dog days of February pass by so slowly?  That’s a question for either a physics teacher or a psychology teacher.  Nonetheless, we all know that “work days” for teachers will be here before you know it.

passports wants to help teachers as they prepare for next year.

New (or fairly new) teachers — use the passports lesson plans to help build a solid foundation to your teaching.  Modify them if you need to fit your individual students, but remember that all of our lesson plans meet or exceed applicable standards.

Veteran teachers — take a look at our vast selection of lesson plans (we’re up to about 180 now).  Use them as they are, modify them as you see fit, or just use our lesson plans as inspiration to help you build your own.

Over the next few weeks, the curriculum department here at passports will be reviewing and revising each of our lesson plans to keep them up-to-date for you.

Have a great summer!


June 2- June 6 Lesson Plan Roundup


May 26- May 30 Lesson Plan Roundup