June 2- June 6 Lesson Plan Roundup

Summer Project Continued:
Like many of our classroom teachers, the passports Curriculum Department has taken on a summer project. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be reviewing each of our current lesson plans, revising them when necessary.

This week’s revised lesson plans:
Medieval England - King Arthur and the Arthurian Legend
Medieval England - Magna Carta of 1215
Medieval England - Norman Invasion of 1066
Medieval England - Richard the Lionheart
Medieval England - Robin Hood
Reformation England - Anne of Cleves
Reformation England - Sir Thomas More
Reformation England - An Overview of Henry’s Split with Rome
Reformation England - The Pilgrimage of Grace 1536-37
Roman Britain - An Overview
Roman Britain - Hadrian’s Wall
Victorian Britain - Charles Dickens and London
Victorian Britain - Sadler Child Labor Report of 1833
Great War (1914-1918) - Treaty of Versailles 1919
Visions of Paradise - More, Voltaire and Lennon
World War II (1939-1945) - England: Churchill
World War II (1939-1945) - Miracle at Dunkirk
World War II (1939-1945) - St. Paul’s Stands
Enlightenment in France - Rousseau
Enlightenment in France - Voltaire’s Candide
Absolutism in France: The Sun King - Louis XIV
Frankish Gaul - Battle of Tours 732
French Revolution - Bourgeois Phase 1789-92
French Revolution - Napoleon’s Domestic Plan
French Revolution - Robespierre and the Jacobin Terror 1792-94
Haussmann and the Birth of Modern Paris
Great War (1914-1918) - France: Clemenceau’s Views at the Versailles Conference
Great War (1914-1918) - Battle of the Somme 1916
Great War (1914-1918) - Battle of Verdun 1916
Great War (1914-1918) - First Battle of the Marne 1914
Hundred Years War - Joan of Arc
Interwar Europe - Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises
Interwar France - The Maginot Line
Medieval France - Avignon Papacy 1309-78
Protestant Reformation - French Huguenots
Renaissance Europe - Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa
Roman Gaul - The Gallic Wars
World War II (1939-1945) - Fall of France 1940
World War II (1939-1945) - Holocaust: Drancy Concentration Camp in Paris
Cold War (1947-1991) - Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989
Revolutions of 1848 - Germany: Frankfurt Parliament
Imperial Germany (1871-1918) - Otto von Bismarck: German Unification 1871
Otto von Bismarck: Berlin Conference of 1884 and the Scramble for Africa
British Imperialism - Rudyard Kipling and the White Man’s Burden
Imperial Germany (1871-1918) - Otto von Bismarck: Paternalistic State Socialism
Imperial Germany (1871-1918) - Otto von Bismarck: Triple Alliance
Interwar Europe (1919-1939) - Erich Remarque: All Quiet on the Western Front
Marx and Engels - The Communist Manifesto 1848
Protestant Reformation - Luther’s 95 Theses 1517
Interwar Europe (1919-1939) - Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus
Holocaust - Dachau Concentration Camp
Ancient Greece - Homer’s Iliad
Ancient Greece - Homer’s Odyssey
Ancient Greece - Minoan Crete
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Alexander the Great
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Sparta
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Athens
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Battle of Marathon
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Battle of Thermopylae
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Plato: Allegory of the Cave
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Plato: Euthyphro
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Plato’s Republic: Philosopher Kings
Classical Greece (4th/5th Centuries BCE) - Socrates
Holy Land - Islam: Muhammad the Prophet
Holy Land - Islam: The Five Pillars
Early Christian Ireland - St. Patrick
Great Irish Potato Famine 1845-1849
Irish Rebellion of 1798
Medieval Ireland - Voyage of St. Brendan
Modern Ireland - Easter Rising of 1916
Modern Ireland - Good Friday Agreement 1998
Ancient Rome - Rape of the Sabine Women
Ancient Rome - Romulus and Remus
Habemus Papam - Papal Conclave: Choosing a New Pope
Mussolini and the Fascists 1922-1943
Prisoner of the Vatican - Pius IX and the Roman Question 1870
Solving the Roman Question - Mussolini, Pius XI and the Lateran Accords 1929
Interwar Europe (1919-1939) - Pact of Steel: Rome-Berlin Axis
Medieval / Renaissance Venice - The Doge: Merchant Rulers of the Venetian Republic

More to come in the weeks ahead!



June 9- June 13 Lesson Plan Roundup


Teacher Tuesday: Using Passports Lesson Plans in the Summer