5 Sample Invitations to Help Promote Your Educational Tour


“Attention Parents and Students,  Mrs. Hawley is currently recruiting for a 2016 European Sound of Music Trip (travel dates approximately June 20 – 28, 2016).  This is a great opportunity to enhance your education with travel abroad in a group setting.  The trip will visit Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London.  Parents, students and other companions are also welcome to join the group.  Enroll early to be sure to get in on low, monthly payments.  See details at www.passports.com and enter tour ID HAWLEY2016.  If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Hawley at Natasha.Hawley@fictitiousschool.org.”


“We will be going on a trip to GERMANY, AUSTRIA and SWITZERLAND!
We’re leaving from Raleigh-Durham airport on June 30, 2016.  Students and
Parents can get further information by contacting me via email:
sally.snow@mainstreet.edu or by calling me at (555) 222-3333.  
Please note this is NOT a school-sponsored activity!”


“THIS COULD BE YOU!!  (insert picture of students in front of famous European landmark, such as the Eiffel Tower, Trevi Fountain, Tower of London, etc.)

Each year, Mr. Wilson and I take graduating seniors, previous students, and interested adults on a tour to Europe.  Check out the link below to learn more about the tour scheduled for senior year, 2016!  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wilson in room B-18 or Mr. Wilson in room B-24.  Or, send us an email, or give us a call at school.  Be sure to attend one of our upcoming informational sessions, too!”  



As part of our ongoing series of European cultural programs, Smithtown will be offering high school students the opportunity to visit southern France and Barcelona, Spain in 2016 during spring break (March 11-18, tentatively).  This trip is intended to be a beginner’s trip for younger students to travel without parents, to get them out of their comfort zone while remaining under the close supervision of supportive, familiar adults. This educational experience will enable students to learn about the culture and historical significance of Spain and France, as well as cement a lifelong connection with their high school peers and teachers.

Features in Barcelona will include the art and architecture of Antoni Gaudí, including La Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) cathedral.  The Picasso museum will provide the opportunity to view the famous artist’s work from his formative years through his deep connection to the city of Barcelona.  On the route north, to France, there are ancient ruins to explore as well as the Salvador Dalí museum, the breathtaking Mediterranean coast, Roman ruins, historic monuments and more.  

In southern France, there is the appeal of Montpelier, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Nîmes, Arles and Aix-en-Provence.  

The goal is for students to glean a deeper appreciation of the history, art and architecture of Europe, to get a feel for the land, and of course the language, and to learn the customs and become comfortable in foreign circumstances.  It is our hope that the students will want to return to Europe, again and again, on their own for many years to come, having been “bitten by the travel bug” for a lifetime of learning and traveling!”


“My Travel Team at Passports Educational Travel

Every other year, I lead a trip to France.  This is a private tour and is NOT sponsored or endorsed by Jonesville Regional School District.  Passports is a company I have used for several decades.  They provide safe, educationally-sound travel packages for students and teachers.  I have taken hundreds of Jonesville students on these tours over the years, and I hope your child will be included in the next group for 2016!”

Your turn!! Compose an invitation to your group’s tour in the comments!


July 21-25 Lesson Plan Roundup


Teacher Tuesday: Annual AP Conference