Love Sharing Your Experiences? Earn Rewards with Passports!

We know how much passion and effort you pour into giving your students the trip of a lifetime with us, and we are so honored that you want to share your experiences with others! Through our Passports Referral Program, you can help friends, family, and colleagues create unforgettable travel experiences for their students, just like you do. Help spread the magic of educational travel and earn up to $1,250 per referral when you introduce a teacher who organizes a group tour with us. It’s simple, rewarding, and a great way to share the joy of travel.


Know a teacher or group organizer who would love to lead a student group? Let us know!

When your referral successfully organizes and travels with their group, you’ll earn:
6+ travelers: $500
12+ travelers: $750
18+ travelers: $1,000
24+ travelers: $1,250

Get paid via check or opt for travel-redeemable reward points.


It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Submit Your Referral – Use our quick and easy online form.

  2. Stay Connected – Support your referral by staying involved in their travel plans.

  3. Earn Big – Watch the rewards roll in after their group travels.

Alternatively, you may also submit a referral:

  • in writing using US postal mail, or using

  • verbally, using (800) 332-7277


Aware that the company’s best friend is flattering “word of mouth” exchanged between traveling teachers, passports is pleased to provide cash payments to individuals who refer colleagues successful in organizing travel groups.

Summary and Definitions: up to $1,250 may be earned by referring a potential travel group organizer to Passports. The “referrer” does the referring; the “referral” is the person referred.

Referrer Eligibility: any person over 18 years of age may refer a potential travel group organizer, excluding however
(a) any traveling participants of the eventual referral travel group; e.g., a paying student, or a co-teacher counselor, and
(b) any family members of these traveling participants.

The referrer must register with the company (himself or herself) as “the referrer” each time that a referral is made. (See below for registration procedures.) No retroactive or “after-the-fact” credit for prior, unregistered referrals will be recognized; as, for example, by a group organizer claiming that he/she had been referred by another individual. For compensation to be paid, a referral must be initiated by a referrer.

Referral Eligibility: any persons over 18 years of age known by the referrer capable of organizing a travel group (typically, a teacher) may be referred, excluding however
(a) any persons who have traveled with Passports in the past;
(b) any persons already and actively organizing a Passports travel group;
(c) any family members of the referrer living in the same household;
(d) any current students of the referrer;
(e) any co-teacher-counselors, actual or future, of the referrer’s own travel group, or any persons who might eventually travel as a group organizer on the referrer’s travel itinerary and departure date;
(f) any person who has already referred others to the company (no mutual referrals, please!);
(g) any replacement for a group organizer previously referred;
(h) any person already referred to the company by another referrer, and
(i) any other persons thought to be ineligible by the company, for any reason, in the company’s sole discretion.

A referrer may refer any reasonable number of persons, either all at once or at intervals. Final determination of reward eligibility or ineligibility will not occur before the departure date of referral travel, and may reflect any of the possible exclusions listed above.

How To Refer a Group Organizer: the easiest way is to submit the form above. This will return an electronic form permitting the registration of the referrer, and then multiple forms for the identification of the persons referred. Alternatively, the referrer may register and identify referrals
(a) in writing using US postal mail, or using;
(b) verbally, using (800) 332-7277.

Certain items of information (e.g., telephone numbers, postal and email addresses) must be provided for referrers and referrals alike. See the electronic form for details. All methods of referral will and must be acknowledged by a date-time stamped email entitled “Passports Referral Notification” sent to both the referrer and referral parties upon initial determination of referrer-referral eligibility.

No Anonymous Referrals: Referrers should be prepared to notify persons who have been referred. No long lists of non-notified persons, please! It is our expectation that referrers will take a personal interest in the organizational plans of the persons referred. It is in the interest of all concerned that these plans succeed!

Amount and Mode of Payment of Referral Rewards: the size of the referral reward depends on the number of full-paying travelers in the eventual referral travel group at the time of departure from the United States: for 6 or more travelers, $500; for 12 or more travelers, $750; for 18 or more travelers, $1,000; for 24 or more travelers, $1,250 (maximum payment). Payment will be made to the referrer alone, either by check or, at the option of the referrer, by the award of an equivalent number of travel-redeemable “reward points,” no later than the end of the calendar year in which the departure date occurs. Excluded in the calculation of referral rewards are non-full-paying travelers; e.g., recipients of any family discounts, faculty discounts, scholarships, and the like. At intervals during the group enrollment process, referrers will be notified concerning the then-current size of the referral travel group.

Expiration of Referral Status: for a referral reward to be paid, the departure date of the referral travel tour must occur within 24 months of the original date of referral. Upon expiration of referral status, the referral may be renewed, either by the original referrer or by a third party. A referral reward is paid only for the first travel tour taken by the referral group organizer, not for any subsequent tours.

Contradictions and/or omissions: any points of policy insufficiently covered by this document, or relating to circumstances not currently envisioned, will be clarified by the company in response only to written requests, and in its sole discretion. No verbal modification shall have any validity, nor any exceptions made.