Utilizing Your Resources

Maximizing your recruitment efforts requires more than just passion—it demands the right tools and strategies. With Passports, you have access to an extensive suite of resources designed to elevate your recruitment game. Here's how to make the most of these assets to engage and enroll potential participants effectively.

Tailor Your Message

Customized presentations allow you to speak directly to the interests and concerns of your audience. Whether it’s highlighting specific educational outcomes or showcasing the adventure aspects of the tour, tailor your message to resonate with your listeners.

Visuals and Videos

Leverage posters, flyers, and especially videos to create an immersive preview of the tour experience. Visuals are powerful tools in conveying the essence of the journey, making the opportunity more appealing and real to your audience.

Request Custom Materials

If you need something specific for your recruitment efforts, don't hesitate to ask. Whether it’s additional videos or tailored promotional materials, Passports is ready to support your unique needs.

Strategic Distribution

Think beyond the meeting room. Use digital materials across social media platforms, emails, and school newsletters to reach a wider audience and spark interest among potential participants.


Crafting an Effective Timeline


Virtual Meetings