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Walking Tour Spotlight: Bruges, Belgium

Bruges, known as the "Venice of the North," is a picturesque city in Belgium that is famous for its canals, medieval architecture, and chocolate shops. A walking tour is the perfect way to explore the city and discover its many charms. Here is a suggested itinerary for a self-guided walking tour through Bruges.

Start your tour at the Markt, the central square of Bruges. The square is surrounded by beautiful buildings, including the Belfry, a medieval bell tower that offers stunning views of the city. From the Markt, take a stroll down the charming Steenstraat, which is lined with boutique shops and cafes.

Next, head towards the Burg, another beautiful square in Bruges that is home to the Gothic-style Stadhuis (City Hall) and the Basilica of the Holy Blood. The latter is said to house a vial of the blood of Jesus Christ and is a must-visit for history enthusiasts.

After exploring the Burg, make your way towards the picturesque canals of Bruges. Take a leisurely stroll along the Groenerei, one of the most scenic canals in the city, and enjoy the views of the traditional Flemish houses and the many bridges that span the canal.

For a sweet treat, stop by one of the many chocolate shops in Bruges. The city is famous for its chocolate, and there are many artisanal chocolatiers that offer handmade chocolates of the highest quality.

As you continue your walk through Bruges, make sure to stop by the Begijnhof, a tranquil courtyard surrounded by beautiful white houses. This serene spot offers a peaceful escape from the busy streets of the city.

Finally, end your tour at the Minnewater, a picturesque lake that is known as the "Lake of Love." Legend has it that if you walk over the bridge with your partner, your love will last forever.

A walking tour through Bruges is a great way to experience the city's charm and beauty. From exploring the historic squares and canals to indulging in delicious chocolate and enjoying peaceful spots like the Begijnhof and Minnewater, Bruges has something to offer for every type of traveler. So put on your walking shoes and get ready to discover the magic of the "Venice of the North."