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Virtual Meetings

In today's connected world, virtual meetings offer an invaluable tool in extending your reach to potential participants far and wide. Crafting an engaging and informative virtual recruitment meeting is an art—one that ensures no interested party misses the chance to learn about your educational tour, regardless of their location.

Preparation is Key

Utilize the digital templates, promotional materials, and presentations provided by Passports to prepare for your meeting. Ensure all technical aspects, such as video and audio quality, are tested and optimized for a seamless experience.

Interactive Elements

Make use of polls, Q&A sessions, and interactive presentations to keep the audience engaged. Virtual tours or videos can help participants visualize the experience, making the tour more tangible.

Tour Advisor Support

Remember, tour advisors can join your virtual meetings to offer additional insights and answer questions. Their presence can significantly enhance the credibility and informative value of your session.


After the meeting, follow up with attendees via email. Provide them with additional resources, answers to any unresolved queries, and the next steps for those interested in joining the tour. You have the ability to send mass emails and text messages within your Group Leader portal.