Travel Lesson Plans Help Create a Global Classroom

The travel professionals and educators working at passports believe that travel changes lives. Our fundamental premise has remained unchanged down through the years: travel to foreign lands is an education in itself, an unforgettable and irreplaceable experience. Experiential, hands-on learning overseas is a game changer for young people — creating new and invigorated career aspirations, and the strength to pursue these dreams.

The overseas experience may be the game changer, but the process begins with the careful preparation of travelers in their classrooms. passports provides comprehensive lesson plans for all group organizers, in advance, targeted on their travel destinations. With the announcement of passports lesson plans, a number of educators have expressed an interest in furthering our new project. You can join this community dedicated to spreading the word about the value of educational travel. 


  1. passports lesson plans are created specifically for passports student travelers in mind. All lesson plans connect with a site, city or country students will see while on their passports tour. Have an idea for a lesson plan that meets these criteria? Write it all down on this template!
  2. Save your lesson as a Word document, and send it to
  3. Once reviewed, your lesson will be added to the growing number of lesson plans on our passports website.
  4. Any questions? Call our office at 1-800-332-7277. Thank you in advance for helping students across the nation connect their overseas and classroom experiences!



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