The Ultimate Guide to Organizing An Educational Group Tour

the ultimate guide to organizing an educational group tour


Printable checklist to use as a guide: Download PDF


Ask your passports Tour Advisor for:

  •  Printed Itineraries
  • The all-new 2018-2019 Participant Enrollment Guide
  • Promotional Posters
  • Meeting Invitations
  • Online Meeting Presentation




  • Team up with other teachers (from other grade levels or subjects) at school.*
  • Set interim enrollment deadlines, keeping in mind passports early enrollment benefit deadlines and your school breaks.
  • Schedule parent/student meetings in line with interim deadlines. Set 2-3 at a time, on weekdays and late enough for working parents to attend.
* other teachers can recruit students you normally wouldn’t be in contact with, and they'll travel for free as a co-counselor on your tour!

Remember: the more participants enrolled on your tour, the more free spots for colleagues, the more cash stipends or scholarships for you and your students.



  • Announce  meeting over the PA announcements at school.
  • Display posters in the school library, cafeteria, hallways, classrooms, and other high-traffic areas.
  • Post a meeting announcement in the school bulletin and on teacher and school websites.
  • Send printed meeting invitation and itineraries home with students.
  • Email the meeting invitation (with a .pdf of the itinerary attached) to students and parents.



  • Send a second printed meeting invitation home with students.
  • Email a meeting reminder to parents and students with the meeting invitation attached.



  • Distribute printed itineraries.
  • Distribute participant enrollment guides.
  • Show custom online meeting presentation.
  • Announce interim enrollment deadlines.
  • Encourage parents to join the tour.
  • If you've traveled before, invite a past traveler to speak to the group about their experiences.
  • Skype with your passports Tour Advisor for a Q&A session or additional assistance.
  • Collect parent/student emails to update them on enrollment deadlines, application requirements, tour alerts, etc.



  • Email online presentation link to students who could not make the meeting.
  • Email online presentation link to students and parents who did make the meeting.
  • Post online presentation link to  teacher and school websites and social media accounts.
  • Encourage students to recruit their friends via social media.
  • Continue to hold meetings after school or during lunch.
  • Continue to announce the trip over school PA announcements and in bulletins.
  • Keep a supply of printed itineraries and participant enrollment guides on your desk for interested students.
  • Update potential and enrolled participants with regular email campaigns.
  • Ask your passports Tour Advisor for a fund-raising guide, then fund-raise for the tour to help spread the word!


Don't forget your handy printable recruitment checklist!

Get it below!

Download PDF


 Questions? Comments?

Call or email your passports tour advisor today, and let's talk travel!



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