Teacher Tuesday: We'd Like Your Help!

Teachers, we’d like your help. We’re looking for suggestions on lesson plan topics.

Over the last few months, we’ve been working hard here at passports to help teachers, both in preparing their students to travel and in helping them find material to use in their classes. Since the program started a few months ago, we’ve created over 150 lesson plans for teachers to have and use as they see fit. They’re on our website, free of charge. These lesson plans are just one way of letting you know that passports appreciates what you do and that we’re here to help.

We’ve covered topics spanning the globe and across the centuries. More are coming every week.

Although we have veteran teachers on staff creating the lesson plans for passports, we’re always looking for suggestions. If you have a great lesson plan topic, let us know and we’ll work it up as a full lesson. Of course, you’ll receive a special mention in the lesson plan itself. If you have full lesson plans that you think might help other teachers, we’d love to take a look at them.

Most importantly, if you need a specific lesson plan and you’re having trouble putting it together (or just don’t have the time), please let us know. We’ll see what we can do.

Remember, you all work hard enough just teaching your students. We want to help.

passports … the educator’s choice

Any thoughts on lesson plans? Email Joe Florencio at jflorencio@passports.com.



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