5 Steps to Successful Student Recruitment

Step 1: Advertise

Passports sends you colorful, personalized posters of the sites you will see on tour. Hang them up in the library, cafeteria, hallways, or other areas with heavy student traffic. We'll be happy to send you as many as you need! Don't forget to take advantage of school resources, too, like PA announcements, school bulletins, and your official school website or social media account!

Step 2: Hold a meeting

Once you've sparked the students' interest, you have one more group of people to convince: their parents. Host a mandatory parent-student meeting after school in the school cafeteria, library or other local establishment. Ask your passports Tour Advisor for a customized presentation of your tour to help you out. But don't stop there! Continue to hold meetings after school or during lunch throughout the year to keep existing participants in the loop and recruit others.

Step 3: Get others involved

Team up with other teachers to recruit students you wouldn't normally be in contact with. They could travel for free as a co-counselor on your trip! Get the students involved, too - they are your best resource! Encourage students to recruit their friends via social media, start a travel club, or fundraise at the school to help spread the word. The possibilities are endless!

Step 4: Set a deadline

Passports has a number of early enrollment deadlines for student travelers. The earlier they enroll, the more money they save! Use the deadlines to incentivize enrollment throughout the year. Setting your own interim deadlines will also insure that late payees will still enroll before the passports deadline. We suggest making them before early enrollment deadlines and school breaks.

Step 5: Send in those applications!

Students can enroll online or with a paper application. Collect paper applications and check deposits at student meetings, or encourage students to enroll as soon as they can online using your Tour ID.


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