17 Tips for Effective Student Tour Recruitment

#1  Express urgency! Too much time to enroll actually works against you. Set interim deadlines to help keep participant enrollments on track.

#2  Traveled on a passports tour before? Ask a former participant to be a guest speaker at your travel meeting!

#3  Keep a stack of passports itineraries and enrollment guides on your desk for open houses, parent-teacher conferences, and after-school meetings.

#4  If any students who are signed up for the trip are involved in clubs/organizations at school, have them promote the trip at the next club meeting.

#5  Promote the tour on your personal website or page on your school's website.

#6  Use social media to promote the trip (either yourself or have students help, or both!).

#7  Make PA announcements promoting the tour.

#8  Write a short except for the next school newspaper.

#9  Bring it up at the next PTA meeting.

#10  Team up with members from your department to promote the tour in their classes.

#11  Team up with members from a different department to promote your tour.

#12  Reach out to a fellow teacher at a different school to see if he/she would like to join your group.

#13  Email the online presentation link to students and parents.

#14  Email the enrollment link to all interested participants.

#15  Encourage students to enroll before the holidays or summer break. These are long stretches of time when you will have limited contact with your potential participants! 

#16  Make sure to collect email addresses of students who have enrolled on your tour or are interested in doing so. That way you can send mass emails to update participants on enrollment deadlines, application requirements, tour alerts and more. 

#17  Host another parent meeting!


Do you have any tips to add to our list?


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