Sample Agenda for a Student-Parent Meeting

  1. Introduce yourself and the subjects you teach. Mention the number of years you’ve been teaching or your educational background if you are a new teacher.

  2. At the beginning of the meeting, pass around an attendance list to obtain the names, addresses, telephone numbers and emails of those attending.

  3. Detail the reasons you want to take a group on an educational tour. Discuss how this tour will augment their child’s curriculum and benefit their personal growth.

  4. This is a good time to discuss passports, their long history of experience; their quality and reliability.

  5. Outline the itinerary and briefly discuss. Use a wall map to show the route of the program. Without going into too much detail, review the itinerary a bit more (try to give them a “feel” for a typical day in a city or on the road) explaining that passports programs are carefully planned with young American students in mind.

  6. Explain the application procedure and payment options. Explain the importance of applying early and adhering to payment deadlines in order to guarantee the lowest price.

  7. Questions and Answers. If uncertain about any answers, call your passports tour advisor to get the information you need.

  8. Collect completed applications along with deposit checks, or have your parents enroll online with a credit card. This is important since enthusiasm will be high at this point. Make sure every parent reads and understands the Terms & Conditions and Release and Agreement. Some parents may wish to “think it over.” It is very important to know the names of these people so that you can follow up with a phone call a few days later.

  9. Announce a deadline two weeks later for submitting additional deposits.

  10. Thank the parents for coming. Suggest the students and parents read the materials they’ve received in order to answer any further questions which may arise. Invite all to stay for an informal chat and refreshments. 

City Spotlight: Madrid


Why Is Passports the Educator's Choice for Student Travel?