Pre-Departure Reminders for Students Traveling to Europe This Summer

Many thanks to several teachers who helped us to compile this list of pre-departure reminders for our student groups traveling in summer, 2014!


  • Remind students (and parents) of upcoming pre-departure meetings, usually held about a week or two before departure.  Give the time and location; whether parents need to attend or not; and what students should bring to the meeting (copy of passport, money for tips, local airport transportation from your city to the airport, and other group expenses, signed behavior contracts or permission forms, a list of prescription medications, health forms, parental permission notes if requested by teacher or school, etc.)  Prepare a list of questions to ask at this meeting!
  • Coordinate the purchase of Euros/pounds/Swiss Francs with your teacher or group.  Some teachers recommend a specific bank.  Foreign currency is also available online through Travelex, but this must be done well in advance of departure to be sure it is in-hand when you leave.  Some groups purchase foreign currency as a group – this can lower the fees involved, thus having only one fee to split among many individuals. Other groups leave it up to the individual traveler and his/her family to obtain foreign currency.  You should follow your teacher’s recommendations for your specific group.
  • If your teacher has set up a Facebook group or other social networking site where your group will post photos and updates throughout the tour, be sure to pass the URL along to your family members.  The folks staying at home enjoy seeing these posts each day.
  • Fashion:  Almost all experienced travelers will agree on this one… leave the fashion at home!  Wear nice clothing, refrain from anything too revealing or shirts with slogans or logos on them.  Bring one nicer outfit if there is a special event or dinner included in your tour (such as the Eiffel Tower dinner). You need good walking shoes that are already broken in, rain gear, and something long-sleeved for chilly nights.
  • Make sure you have a converter and European plugs for electronic items.
  • Put name tags both inside and outside of your checked baggage.  One checked bag is allowed, and it cannot weigh more than a certain amount (check with your airline, some have differing rules).  Carry-on items include one carry-on bag and a purse or backpack.  No liquids allowed in carry-on bags.  Carry your medicine and valuables in your carry-on bags, never in checked luggage.
  • Call your bank and/or credit card company to inform them that you are traveling in Europe.
  • Share your flight and hotel details with your parents!

What other reminders can you think of adding to this list?



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Teacher Tuesday: The SVP