Teacher Tuesday: Passports Lesson Plans Available Online

New at passports for 2014…

My name is Joseph Florencio. I’m a veteran AP history teacher with many years of experience in the classroom. This year, I came out of the classroom and I’m now one of the teachers on staff here at passports in charge of making new lesson plans.

All of our full lesson plans are now online for all teachers to use. Made by teachers for teachers. Use them to plan your trip. Use them in your classrooms. Use them to help students. Save time and energy.

Over 100 lesson plans are available for destinations all over the globe. More coming every week. Suggestions and comments are welcome and encouraged. We can even create lesson plans based on custom destinations. Just let us know.

Click here to see our current list of lesson plans, where you’ll see they’re organized by country. Click on one of the lessons to see the details. Each lesson plan also contains a link to a full downloadable PDF version for easy printing.

Lesson Plan Index

Feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions — jflorencio@passports.com

Only at passports… the educators choice.


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