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Pack Smart: Balancing Your Needs and Wants for Travel

Striking a balance between what we need and what we want is a delicate art in travel packing. It's easy to go overboard and pack too much "just in case." However, being mindful of the distinction between needs and wants can make for a more practical and manageable suitcase.

Firstly, consider the itinerary. What does transportation look like? Is there a lot of walking? Do you plan on hiking, swimming, or attending a special event? Make sure you pack for your specific activities.

Next, let's discuss shoes. While it might be tempting to pack a pair for every occasion, limit yourself to two or three versatile pairs. Remember, comfort over style!

When it comes to toiletries and cosmetics, less is more. Travel-sized versions are available for most products. Especially in warmer climates, you really won’t need a full makeup kit. A multipurpose product like a lip-and-cheek stain can do double duty and save space.

Lastly, resist the urge to bring too many "just in case" items. They take up space and add weight to your luggage. The trick is to pack versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create different looks.