Educational Travel Services: How Necessary Are They?

educational travel services

Educational travel services are essential for teachers who wish to travel with their students overseas. Passports has provided top-notch educational travel services for decades and the only job we give teachers is recruiting a group of students. That’s it! We’ll even supply promotional materials to advertise the tour to make recruiting a bit easier, too. So, if you’re a teacher who is intending on taking your students abroad and you’re expected to book and handle the trip from start to finish, consider these reasons why you should let us do the work instead.

We handle the logistics.

As the group organizer, you provide the group of students and choose from our hundreds of itineraries (or customize your own) and we’ll do the rest. Booking flights yourself would be nearly impossible since it’s likely the students wouldn’t be able to pay the total cost of the tour up front. Not to mention, if the tour is more than a year away, you wouldn’t even be able to see flights online yet. We book all your high-quality hotels, meals, tour guides, and flights and we process participant payments and service billing inquiries through our two payment options.

We bring peace of mind.

We provide liability insurance as well as on-tour medical and baggage coverage on all passports tours. You’ll probably never need this, but isn’t it nice to know that your group is safe and secure against a “what if” situation? You'll have a team of representatives stateside on duty 24/7, and a tour director with you every step of the way overseas who knows about the places you'll see on tour, and speaks the language of the area. They care about getting to know you and your group, and they fix any bumps in the road to make sure your trip really is the experience of a lifetime. Lastly, all participants enroll through a direct agreement with passports which means your tour won't be school sponsored, so you (and your administration!) really don't have to worry about a thing.  

We promote learning.

Passports LINK Learning Platform provides comprehensive lesson plans targeting your specific travel destinations and a Teacher Forum to connect you with other traveling teachers. All tours include experiential activities to get your group interacting with the culture around you and reflection journals with writing prompts that reflect on cultural comparisons, personal values and real-life applications. It’s not called an educational tour for nothing!

You’ll travel for free!

Enough about us and all the “We’s”! With six paying participants YOU travel for free and for every additional six you earn more free spots for co-chaperones to join you on your trip.

Hopefully, you now agree that utilizing educational travel services is the way to go, so keep a look out for part two on why you should choose to travel with passports over the other tour providers.




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