Dublin, Ireland International Teacher Convention

Are you one of the lucky group organizers joining Passports’ annual International Teacher Convention next week in Dublin? If so, we can’t wait to see you and get to know you!  If not, you may be wondering how this all works.  

We sponsor this event every year during the Yuletide holiday school break so that teachers can participate without taking precious time away from their own personal summer vacations.  We also hold a second Convention in another destination during Martin Luther King weekend (this year in Puerto Rico).  [In 2012, the Yuletide Convention was in Costa Rica; the MLK convention was in Paris.]

How did those folks get to be a part of this yearly event?  Getting in on the action is easy!  Simply enroll your 2015 or 2016 group early and you get points that are redeemable for this extra free trip.  Specific details here.

Why Dublin instead of another destination? Each year, during and immediately following the Convention, we poll the group leaders who attended and ask them for their advice.  The most popular suggestions are reviewed and then narrowed down, hotels and airlines are screened for availability.  During the early months of each year, we announce the next location.  So, if you’re wondering where the next Conventions will be held… we don’t know yet!  Stay tuned for the big announcement, coming soon.  Previous destinations include London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, and Rome (and we often return to these destinations due to their unwavering popularity).  Here’s video from an earlier Yuletide in Dublin Convention.

What happens at these conventions, anyway?…. I’m not sure I want to be bothered with a lot of meetings and seminars during my holiday break from school. For teachers/group organizers attending the convention, don’t worry, there are no meetings unless you want a meeting!  It’s meant to be a fun, yet educational experience.  Attendees get to know Passports employees from the U.S. and abroad, as well as other group organizers from all around the country. There are scheduled activities that can be participated in, or not (it’s totally up to you).  There’s a casual, relaxed Welcome Reception on arrival night; a day-long excursion to an interesting location outside of the city (this time to Belfast, Northern Ireland); there are city-based activities (such as the included Literary and Musical “pub crawls” this time around) and a Farewell Dinner on the last night before everyone heads home. We’re sure to throw in a taste of local entertainment: dancers, singers, musicians, theatre.  If a teacher wants to discuss their next trip, their current trip, or anything business-related with a Passports crew member, we are thrilled to accommodate! But it’s not a requirement, and no, we don’t hold any seminars. You might hear a short speech (maybe two) from some of our enthusiastic and often comedic representatives! We do have a lot of fun, and often make new friends for life (some of whom attend the conventions year after year).

Don’t miss out on this extra free trip for yourself – sign up your group early to earn the rewards.  

Happy holidays from everyone at Passports Educational Group Travel!



Top 5 Highlights from Yuletide in Dublin (and Belfast!) Trip


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