All Things Travel: Traveler Edition

Welcome to 'All Things Travel: Traveler Edition' - your one-stop resource for the ultimate travel experience. From pre-departure preparations to on-tour tips and post-return reflections, we cover every phase of your journey. Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of travel tips, checklists, insights, and inspirations, all designed to help you make the most of your adventures abroad. Let's start exploring together!


The Ultimate Checklist: Packing for an Abroad Adventure
Uncover the key essentials to pack for an extensive trip abroad that will have you fully prepared for any surprises along the way.

Step Right: Why Great Walking Shoes are a Travel Must-Have
Understand the importance of choosing the right walking shoes for your travel and why they are a crucial part of your packing list

In-Flight Essentials: What to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag
Explore the must-haves for your carry-on bag to ensure comfort during your flight and to prepare for everything.

Pack Smart: Balancing Your Needs and Wants
Learn how to discern between 'needs' and 'wants' while packing, ensuring practical choices that won't weigh you down during your travel.

Forecast Friend: Why Keeping an Eye on Weather is Key for Travel
Understand the significance of monitoring the weather at your travel destination and how it can influence your packing choices

Travel Light, Travel Right: The Art of Packing Light
Unravel the benefits of packing light and how it can enhance your travel experience, making your journey smoother and more enjoyable

On Tour

Embrace the Flavors: Encourage Culinary Adventures
Food is more than just sustenance; it's an integral part of any travel experience. A well-fed traveler is a happy traveler, and we encourage all travelers to step out of their comfort zones and try new foods.

Creating your Personal Travel Tradition
Whether this is your first trip abroad or your 10th - creating a personal tradition for every new country you travel to can be a meaningful and exciting way to enrich your travels!

Technology while Traveling
Utilizing technology to convenience your travel can save you a lot of headaches! Check out some of our top tips here.

Stay Connected: A Digital Guide for Student Travelers
Navigate the digital world and stay connected with your loved ones while traveling abroad. Learn about international phone plans, communication apps, social media, and keeping your devices charged in this comprehensive guide.

Capturing Memories: The Art of Photo Journaling While Traveling
Master the art of photo journaling to preserve your travel memories. Learn how to tell a story with your photos, provide context, and create a physical photo album in this comprehensive guide.

Group Travel Etiquette: Making the Most of Your Student Tour
Explore the dynamics of group travel and learn how to maintain a harmonious and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. This guide provides useful tips on punctuality, respecting personal space, communication, flexibility, and cultural respect.

How to be a Prepared and Conscientious Traveler Abroad
Traveling abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with responsibilities. As a traveler, it's important to be prepared and conscientious in order to have the most enjoyable trip possible!

Upon Return

Post-Tour Reflections: Journaling Your Travel Experiences
Unpack your travel experiences and memories through reflective journaling. Understand the importance of post-tour reflections and how they can enrich your travel journey even after you've returned home.

Travel Inspired Cooking: Recreating Your Favorite Dishes from Abroad
Bring your travel experiences to your kitchen by recreating your favorite dishes from abroad. Discover tips and techniques for cooking international cuisine right at home.

The Art of Scrapbooking: Crafting a Visual Memory of Your Trip
Create a beautiful, tangible memory of your travels with the art of scrapbooking. Learn how to transform your mementos and photos into a captivating visual narrative.

Staying Connected: Keeping in Touch with Friends Made on Tour
Explore ways to maintain the friendships you've formed during your travels. Learn effective strategies for staying connected with friends from your tour and beyond.

Continuing the Adventure: Exploring Global Culture from Home
The adventure doesn't have to end after your trip. Learn how to explore and appreciate global cultures from the comfort of your own home.

Language Skills Post-Tour: How to Keep Practicing and Improving
Keep your newfound language skills sharp even after your tour. Find resources and strategies to continue practicing and improving your language skills at home.

Travel Transformations: Applying Your Global Learning to Everyday Life
Discover how to incorporate the skills and insights gained from your travels into your everyday life. Transform your worldview and lifestyle with your global learning.

Planning Your Next Adventure: Using Your Tour Experience for Future Trips
Let your past tour experiences guide your future travel planning. Learn how to leverage the insights and lessons learned from your last trip for your next adventure.


Pop Culture Abroad: Game of Thrones


Planning Your Next Adventure: Using Your Tour Experience for Future Trips