A New but Very Agreeable Normal

Rick Steeves, one of the world’s most well-known and respected travel writers and host of the PBS series, Monday Night Travel, has just returned from an extended trip through Europe. His experiences are reflected in this video which we would urge you to take a look at. You’ll be very excited as we were by what you will see.

View the Video

Passports expects that you will have a similar reaction to seeing this as we did: it’s simply wonderful and altogether reassuring to see people travelling throughout Europe once again and we’re finding it quite difficult to contain our excitement at the prospect of cruising along the Via Veneto or dining on the Piazza Navona once again in the near future. Finally!

And with respect to the Covid-related precautions that are in place everywhere these days, those that travelers in Europe are asked to comply with are actually very simple, straightforward and require very little extra effort. All you need to do is:

  • When requested, provide proof that you have been vaccinated which is most easily and conveniently done by simply presenting a copy of your CDC Vaccination Record Card. Your CDC card is the gold standard for proof of vaccination in Europe and no other health passes are required. The convenience of utilizing the CDC card for this purpose cannot be overstated.

  • If traveling by air between countries in Europe, or if about to return to the US, you will need a negative Covid test taken within 72 hours of your trip. If traveling by surface between European countries, you may or may not need to have had the same negative Covid test. You should check a few days before you plan to leave for the next city to see what the present and often changing requirements may be.

  • The Rick Steeves video assures us that Covid testing is very widespread in Europe these days and testing facilities are always close by so getting tested is as hassle-free and convenient as visiting a local pharmacy.

  • When traveling between European countries, you will need to complete a Passenger Locator Form, which according to the video, will take only about 15 minutes out of your day. The form will provide your next destination with the assurance that you are vaccinated and you with the assurance that your fellow travelers are also protected. It’s a win-win for all parties.

Passports is greatly encouraged by the hopeful developments this video is presenting and expects that you will be as excited as we are at the prospect of getting back to Europe again in 2022.


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